
1初一全科精品视频课程免费试听 2初二全科精品视频课程免费试听 3初三全科精品视频课程免费试听
4高一全科精品视频课程免费试听 5高二全科精品视频课程免费试听 6高三全科精品视频课程免费试听



  1. 一般过去时的构成

  一般过去时是用动词的过去式来表示。 His words fetched a laugh from all present. 他的话使在场的人都笑了。 I did not sleep well last night. 我昨晚没睡好。

  Did you direct the tourist to the hotel? 你告诉这位游客去旅馆的路了吗? 2.一般过去时的用法 ①一般过去时的基本用法

  a. 表示过去某个特定时间发生的动作或存在的状态 He suddenly fell ill yesterday. 昨天他突然生病了。

  The engine stopped because the fuel was used up. 发动机因燃料用光而停机了。 注意:


  【误】I visited the Palace Museum.(在没有上下文的情况下,应避免这样说) 【正】I visited the Palace Museum last year. 去年我参观过故宫博物院。 【正】I have visited the Palace Museum.



        b. 表示过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态 I wrote home once a week at college. 我上大学时每周给家里写一封信。

  He was already in the habit of reading widely in his boyhood. 他童年时就养成了广泛阅读的习惯。 提示:

  表示过去的习惯性动作,除了用过去式外,还可以用used to或would来表示。 She used to study late into the night when she was in Senior Three. 她上高三时经常学习到深夜。 He would sit for hours doing nothing. 过去他常常一坐几个钟头什么事也不做。 c. 表示过去连续发生的一系列动作

  She entered the room, picked up a magazine and looked through it carefully. 她走进房间,拿起一本杂志,认真地翻阅了起来。

  The students got up early in the morning, did morning exercises and then read English aloud in the open air.

  学生们很早起床,做早操,然后在室外朗读英语。 d. 在时间、条件状语从句中表示过去将要发生的动作 We would not leave until the teacher came back. 老师回来我们才会离开。

  She told me she would not go if it rained the next day. 她告诉我如果第二天下雨的话,她就不去了。


  a. 在虚拟语气中表示现在或将来时间的动作或状态 It's time we went. 是我们该走的时候了。

  I wish I were twenty years younger. 但愿我年轻20岁。

  I would rather you didn't do anything for the time being. 我宁愿你暂时先不要采取什么措施。

  b. 在口语中,一般过去时往往显示委婉客气。 I wondered if you could give me a hand. 我想请你帮个忙。

  Might I come and see you tonight? 我想今晚来看你,好吗?


  一般现在时要和现在时间相联系,而一般过去时和说话的“现在”不相联系。 His father is a film director. 他父亲是电影导演。(他现在还是) His father was a film director. 他父亲曾是电影导演。(他现在不是) How do you like the novel?

  你觉得这部小说怎么样?(还在看小说) How did you like the novel?
