




vi.[语] 一致,符合; 商定,约定; 意见相合; (气候、食物等) 适宜;

vt.同意,承认; 使和谐一致; 认为正确无误;


1. 汉语的“同意某人做某事”,英语中不能直译为 agree sb to do sth, 而应根据情况改用其他结构。如:

He agreed to let me go home early. 他同意让我早些回家。

不能说:He agreed me go home early.

He agreed to my leaving early on Friday. 他同意我星期五一早走。

不能说:He agreed me to leave early on Friday.

2. 注意以下几个短语的用法(尤其注意其介词搭配):

(1) agree on / upon

① 取得一致意见,达成协议。主要指双方通过协商而意见一致。如:

We agreed on a price for the car. 我们就车价达成了一致意见。

We cannot agree on the budget estimate. 我们不能在概算问题上取得一致。

② 同意。其后通常接动名词,表示同意做某事。如:

Tom agreed on helping us. 汤姆同意帮助我们。

He agreed on lending us some money. 他同意借给我们一些钱。

(2) agree to

① 同意(打算等)。主要指同意某一打算、安排、计划等。如:

We agreed to their arrangement. 我们同意了他们的安排。

She agreed to marriage. 她同意结婚。

② 同意或接受(建议等)。其后尤其接suggestion, plan, proposal等名词,与accept同义。如:

Do you think he will agree to my suggestion? 你认为他会接受我的建议吗?

We are glad to agree to your plan. 我们很高兴同意你方的计划。

③ 同意(做某事)。其后既可接动词原形(to是不定式符号),也可接动名词(一般有逻辑主语,to是介词)。如:

He agree to go with us. 他同意和我们一起去。

I never agreed to Mary marrying him. 我从来没同意玛丽嫁给他。

(3) agree with

① 同意。主要指同意某人,或同意某人的意见、想法、解释等。如:

John agrees with this idea. 约翰同意这个想法。

I agree with you about his latest book—it’s awful. 我同意你对他那本新书的意见——很糟糕!

② 对……适宜。主要指食物、天气、工作等方面的适宜。如:

The weather doesn’t agree with me. 这种天气对我不适宜。

I love prawns, but unfortunately they don’t agree with me. 我喜欢吃对虾,但遗憾的是吃了会不舒服。

③ 与……一致。如:

What he does does not agree with what he says. 他言行不一致。

A verb must agree with its subject in person and number. 动词必须和它的主语在人称和数方面保持一致。

agree to,agree with,agree on,agree about的用法区别.

1.agree (to sth) 意为“同意;愿意;答应(某事物)”.如:Is he going to agree to our suggestion?他会同意我们的建议吗?

2.agree with sb 意为“适合(某人的健康或胃口)”,尤用于否定句或疑问句中.如:The climate there doesn't agree with him.那里的气候对他不合适.

3.agree (with sb) (about / on sth) 意为“同意;(与某人)意见一致”.如:We couldn't agree on a date/ when to meet.关于日期(什么时候见面),我们没有能取得一致意见.

4.agree sth意为“在某事物上取得一致意见;商定”.如:Can we agree a price?我们能不能商定一个价格?

5.agree (with sth) 意为“与(某事物)相一致;相符合;相吻合”.如:Your thoughts didn't agree with mine.你的想法和我的想法不一致. agreed(on /about sth)意为“达成协议;意见一致”.如:We are all agreed on the best action.我们都同意这一最佳措施.

7.agree后面还可以接宾语从句,即be agreed that ...如:It was agreed that another meeting was necessary.大家都认为有必要再开一次会.


1 If we agreed all the time it would be a bit boring, wouldn't it? 


2 He agreed to pay me for the drawings 


3 The warring sides have agreed on an unconditional ceasefire 


4 You and I are going to have to agree to disagree then. 


5 I don't agree with what they're doing 

